🧭 Overview
- This is a list of places that we have found that are good FOG factories and stores
🏆 Best Factories
- 🏆 Best Factory
- Seems to be better than factory 3
- Size L in sweats
- Really really good reviews
- <mark style="background: #FF0000;">This is the best quality they cost a little more than the rest but I can feel the difference </mark>
- 🥈 Second Best
- Order a black pair from here and they where slight worse than the factory above, but only by a small margin. They just weren't as heavy.
- Size L in sweats (I ordered a LG and they where fine)
- He’s the seller for most other FOG plugs and has almost every never season!
- 🥈 FOG 2020 Shorts
- I’ve order quite a bit some in L but XL fits the best imo
- Open sweats
- Haven’t ordered these yet but they look to be very good. Will order some in the fall
🛍️ 1688
- 🥉 Factory 0
- This Reddit post lead to this conclusion
- Very good prices
- Very good quality
- They sell all the FOG
- 🥉 Factory 1
- Cheapest and they have a huge selection, he may be the plug for everyone else if I am being honest (ex sells double layers shirt 5.99 vs 12.13 (that FOG Essential sells for) see the mark up)
- $
- It's all doubled lined
- Size?
- Factory 4
- They sell more than just fog
🛍️ Weidian
- 🥉 FOG Essential
- Seems like a crazy good factory, lost of sells (1k)
- $ $ Really good price
- Most of the stuff is double layered
- Size L in sweatpants
- 🥉 G Man
- He is big on the forms like RepFashion (so could be paying off mods)
- $ $ $ Probably the most expensive I've come across
- Said to have really good quality by everyone
- Sold out a lot
- Alt Store
📁 Others
New factories that I have yet to dig into